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How God Will Heal Your Heart in His Timing

You know that one thing that you have been praying about? That one area in your heart that you know needs the Lord’s touch? The one that no matter how hard you try you just can’t fix by yourself? Keep praying and pressing in. Keep seeking His face. God will heal your heart in His timing. It will come just when you need it. Not too soon and certainly not too late.

There is truth to the old saying “time heals all wounds”. There is more truth in saying that the Lord is the one who provides the healing and He uses time to administer that healing right when we need it. Friend, I am certain and strong in my belief that this is the case for you.

How God Will Heal Your Heart in His Timing

Recently, I have been learning that we can come into agreement and believe lies that have been spoken over us by others and from things that we have told ourselves. We sometimes don’t even realize that these are lies from the enemy used to limit our thinking. We may just adopt them and live with them, allowing them to take root in everything we do. Our words have more power than we know.

In Proverbs 18:21 the bible tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue “. When we have negative thoughts and speak negative words over ourselves it limits our thinking. It doesn’t produce good fruit in our lives. The enemy would love to allow us to believe untrue words spoken over us. He’d love for us to come into agreement with untrue thoughts about ourselves. When we believe these things about our identity, we aren’t fully living out our identity in Christ. This could prevent us from accomplishing things that the Lord has set out for us to do. Or prevent us from loving people as we should in fear of failure or rejection, for example.

One area in my life that was in need of a healing overhaul was my relationship and view of someone who is close to me. Events from the past had changed the way I felt about our relationship and the way that I viewed them. It became a source of pain for me. I had sort of mourned the loss of the relationship that we once had while still trying to navigate the current version of our relationship. I had begun to develop a bit of a negative view of this person although I couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason.  There were also times where I had felt let down and disappointed by them. I carried some of those feelings for years.

Until God Came Though in His Timing

I had prayed for years for the Lord to show me the areas that I needed healing over this. I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the areas of my heart that were hardened by feelings of disappointment and resentment. I wanted to be shown where I needed to take action. Taught how I could take my thoughts captive. Slowly I was beginning to feel the Lord speaking to me and changing my heart posture but it felt like it was at a turtle’s pace. Most likely for good reason!

Waiting for the Lord to reveal things to you in His timing is difficult but the bible confirms that when we do things God’s way we will be taken care of. He knows what is best for us. After all, He did create us! We can see this in His Word. Here are just two examples of this.

Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved. Psalm 62: 1 – 2

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

how god will heal your heart

God Was Healing My Heart and Shifting My Perspective

While I was learning about how we can unintentionally believe lies about ourselves that have been planted by the enemy, the Lord revealed that I was believing untrue statements about this person too.  The way that the Holy Spirit impressed this revelation upon my heart would not have made sense to me before I had understood the concept of unintentionally coming into agreement with untrue words and lies. He showed me where I had been influenced and was only believing one version of the story about this particular person.

I had to come out of agreement, denouncing that lie that I had once believed. I had to forgive myself for choosing to believe those untrue things and also forgive the source that the influence came from. This in itself lifted a weight off my chest.

Then God Turned the Healing Up Another Notch

In conversation with this person, we started talking about how past negative childhood experiences can manifest themselves as mental health issues if not worked through and healed from. They started opening up to me about some experiences that negatively impacted their mental health which prevented them from being able to fully function mentally and emotionally at certain times.

Hearing this resonated with me and the Holy Spirit gave me understanding that the times where I felt disappointed, let down or like this person was absent were the same times that they were struggling with their mental health and were having a hard time showing up in their own life as well.

This provided an almost instant shift in the way that I viewed this person. The resentment that I had felt towards them dissolved. The hardness of my heart became tender. My frustration was traded for empathy. The Lord painted something beautiful on the new landscape of my heart where there once was ashes.

He is Gracious with His Timing

The Lord knows just when we need His healing touch. Sometimes we need the time to allow Him to prepare our hearts for the healing and restoration that we require. I wouldn’t have been as receptive to listening to the Holy Spirit if I hadn’t first had the knowledge about believing lies that can take root in our hearts and negatively affect the way we think and act. That knowledge allowed me to understand that my view of this person may not be right. It was only then that I had the correct heart posture to really connect with this person in a conversation that brought almost instant revelation and healing. Glory to the Lord, our father, for orchestrating beautiful healing at just the right moments.

I truly believe that God will heal your heart in His timing. However that may look like and with whatever you may need. He is a good and gracious father and He wants us to be whole. Reach to Him, look up. He is near. Tell God how your heart feels. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to take on all of our pain and suffering when he went to the cross. Invite Jesus to heal your heart in the areas that feel broken. Have faith that it will come to pass.

Closing Prayer

Lord, I lift up the woman reading these words and I thank you for leading her here. I ask that she would be filled with faith as she comes to you for the healing of her heart. If she doesn’t know where to start, I pray that the Holy Spirit would give her guidance and the words to say. Let her be encouraged for your Word says that you are close to those who are broken hearted and that you bind up our wounds. I ask that you would bring her the beautiful healing that she desires and that you would prepare her heart and mind, if required, in order to have the space to contain the joy that you are about to pour out. The joy of the Lord is our strength! Thank you, Father, that we can come to you for all of our needs and that you delight in seeing your people whole and thriving so that we may be a living testimony of your loving kindness and your goodness. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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